[Zope-dev] No license distributed with sources

Gediminas Paulauskas menesis at pov.lt
Mon Feb 8 16:27:14 EST 2010

2010/2/8 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Gediminas Paulauskas wrote:
>> Hello Zope Developers,
>> I am packaging many Zope libraries for Ubuntu. But my packages were
>> rejected by archive admin because the source tarballs do not satisfy
>> the inclusion requirements.
>>>From https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic#Copyright :
>>   * The upstream tarball must contain verbatim copies of all licenses
>> that are used by the files in the tarball. References to URLs or paths
>> to system files (such as /usr/share/common-licenses/) are not
>> sufficient. The license(s) must accompany the source code.
>> Every file under the ZPL has a sentence "A copy of the ZPL should
>> accompany this distribution." in it's header. But that's not the case.
>> Very few packages ship a ZopePublicLicense.txt in their source.
>> Reading the ZPL, its first condition is:
>> 1. Redistributions in source code must retain the
>>    accompanying copyright notice, this list of conditions,
>>    and the following disclaimer.
>> Since this condition is not met, such packages cannot be legally distributed.
>> Who will add a copy of the license to each package in Zope SVN? When?
>  $ wget \
>   http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/Z/Zope2/Zope2-2.12.3.tar.gz
>  $ tar tzf Zope2-2.12.3.tar.gz | grep -i license
>  Zope2-2.12.3/src/ZServer/medusa/dist/license.html
>  Zope2-2.12.3/ZopePublicLicense.txt

I am talking about the packages making up the ZTK and ZopeApp. I am
packaging each of them separately -- see
http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/u/menesis . Each one, even the smallest
ones like zope.size, zope.filerepresentation, zope.app.zcmlfiles has
to contain a license in their source tarballs.

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