[Zope-dev] Copyright update for z3c.ajax: no buildout, no headers

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 06:49:36 EDT 2010

On 6/3/10 8:20 AM, Christian Theune wrote:
> Hi,
> I just fixed up z3c.ajax and it has a quirk that the check doesn't know
> about:
> If a file doesn't contain any copyright attribution header, it ignores
> that file.
> In this case, z3c.ajax has no headers at all. no setup.py. no buildout.
> I added the missing license and copyright files to silence the check but
> I'm relatively sure there's an edge case here.
> Thoughts?

Any ideas yet on situations like these?

I found several packages now that do not contain any copyright headers 
in the python modules, or, sometimes they do in the package itself, but 
not in the package's test modules.

I decided to just go ahead for now silencing the check, my reasoning 
being: if the copyright-checkscript is updated at some point in time to 
also check for copyright-less modules, we automatically will have list 
again of project that need fixing in that regard.


regards, jw

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