[Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 34 OK, 13 Failed, 3 Unknown

Gediminas Paulauskas menesis at pov.lt
Wed Sep 22 15:05:27 EDT 2010

2010/9/22 Michael Howitz <mh at gocept.com>:
> Am 22.09.2010 um 13:58 schrieb Zope Tests Summarizer:
>> Summary of messages to the zope-tests list.
>> Period Tue Sep 21 12:00:00 2010 UTC to Wed Sep 22 12:00:00 2010 UTC.
>> There were 50 messages: 6 from Zope Tests, 4 from buildbot at pov.lt, 21 from buildbot at winbot.zope.org, 11 from ccomb at free.fr, 8 from jdriessen at thehealthagency.com.
>> Test failures
>> -------------
> [...]
>> Subject: FAILED : ZTK 1.0dev / Python2.5.5 Linux 64bit
>> From: ccomb at free.fr
>> Date: Tue Sep 21 23:15:02 EDT 2010
>> URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2010-September/020388.html
> This failure is due to missing zope.generations which is needed by zope.app.generations 3.7. So I switched to a maintenance branch of zope.app.generations.

I would add zope.generations rather than switch to maintenance branch.
The independent zope.generations is what contains the code to use by

Nothing else apart from the split has changed, compatibility imports
and zcml are left in place, so it should be safe to have the two
packages in ZTK 1.0.

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