[Zope-dev] Buildbot status on http://docs.zope.org/zopetoolkit/process/buildbots.html

Marius Gedminas marius at gedmin.as
Thu Sep 30 08:37:26 EDT 2010

http://docs.zope.org/zopetoolkit/process/buildbots.html shows a very
neatly organized overview of the status of various buildbots.

There's only one problem: the content is outdated ("Last updated on Sep
17, 2010").

Can someone with admin access add a daily cron script to

  cd /path/to/ztk/doc/sources
  touch source/process/buildbots.rst
  make html


Without the 'touch' step Sphinx will decide the content hasn't changed
and won't update buildbot status.

Marius Gedminas
http://pov.lt/ -- Zope 3/BlueBream consulting and development
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