[Zope-dev] getting size of zope.schema.List from a view in bluebream

Joshua Immanuel josh at hipro.co.in
Tue Aug 23 07:34:14 EDT 2011

Hello all,
On Tue, 2011-08-23 at 13:16 +0530, Joshua Immanuel wrote:
>             def getListSize(self):
>                 return len(self.list_field)
> This solves my issue. 

This solves just the '__len__' issue. But if do the slice operation like

I get the following error

        ForbiddenAttribute: ('__getslice__',[...])
I guess my approach is flawed. Implementing all the functionality (like
the one I did for length) that a list provides is a overkill. So, please
guide me in this regard.

Joshua Immanuel
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited
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