[Zope-dev] direction

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Sun Jul 3 01:09:17 EDT 2011

On Sun, 2011-07-03 at 03:41 +0200, Hanno Schlichting wrote:

> - Continue to remove functionality tailored for TTW development, like
> SiteRoot, AccessRules, HelpSys and step-by-step most of the ZMI
> - Document and use the WSGI publisher and remove obsoleted
> functionality like the virtual host monster, error_log,
> ZServer/medusa, zopectl/zdaemon

Zope still needs to the virtual host monster (or something like it) even
with the WSGI publisher; there's nothing equivalent in the WSGI world
(unless you could repoze.vhm, which is essentially just the virtual host
monster, and probably doesn't need to live in middleware; no one uses it
except people who use repoze.zope2).

> - Make the browser id manager, session data manager, temporary storage
> optional and remove it and request.SESSION from the core, instead we
> can use something based on Products.BeakerSessionDataManager /
> collective.beaker if someone has a need for sessions

I don't have any skin in this game, but FTR, Mike Bayer isn't feeling
all that confident about Beaker's sessioning component (or so he has
told me).  Beaker was originally made as a caching component, and had
sessioning jammed into it quite late; nobody is really maintaining the
sessioning component of it now.

- C

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