[Zope-dev] Reg. updating catalog indexes in bluebream

Joshua Immanuel josh at hipro.co.in
Thu Jun 23 08:43:01 EDT 2011

Hello all,

I did the following while adding a new site

        sm = site.getSiteManager()
        intids = IntIds()
        sm['intids'] = intids
        sm.registerUtility(intids, IIntIds)
        cat = Catalog()
        sm['catalog'] = cat
        sm.registerUtility(cat, ICatalog)
        cat[u'client_name'] = TextIndex('name', IClient)
I ran into the debug shell prompt and checked the length of sm['initid']
after adding 'Client' objects via browser interface. It did reflected
the number of items added. But when I ran a search query in the shell
prompt there were no results

        >>> len(sm['intids'])
        >>> list(cat.apply({'client_name': 'xyz*'}))
But when I updated the indexes, it gave out results.

        >>> cat.updateIndexes()
        >>> list(cat.apply({'client_name': 'xyz*'}))
I guess that I don't have to manually update the indexes each time when
an object is added/modified. Am I missing something? 
Joshua Immanuel
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited
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