[Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/ Moved to github

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Sat Aug 18 21:03:09 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 08/18/2012 03:46 PM, Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 9:36 PM, Jens Vagelpohl <jens at dataflake.org> 
> wrote:
>> The contributor agreement requires you as the contributor to be able
>> to enter into the contract with the Zope Foundation transferring one
>> half ownership to the Zope Foundation. You can only enter into this
>> contract if you own (as in "wrote") the code yourself - you cannot
>> assign ownership to someone else for something you don't fully own.
>> The goal of these contractual requirements is to make sure software
>>  stored in the Zope Foundation is as "clean" as possible from an 
>> ownership standpoint. People who use code from svn.zope.org have a 
>> reasonable assurance that no third party will show up on your 
>> doorstep demanding money or license fees for code that third party 
>> claims to own.
>> I've just recently seen what can happen for projects not following 
>> this kind of strict policy: The python-ldap package developers are 
>> unable to e.g. assign a new license to their code because since they
>> don't hold any ownership and would need to ask every single 
>> developer who ever touched that code - an impossible task. For us 
>> that kind of issue does not arise.
> Yes, but my question is why this changes with github.

Because the ability to check into svn.zope.org is based on a "chain of
custody" managed by the ZF (web account, verified e-mail address, and SSH
key).  J. Random Hacker's account on Github has no such chain.

- -- 
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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