[Zope-dev] Zope 2 WSGI investigation

Sylvain Viollon sylvain at infrae.com
Wed Jan 11 10:59:54 UTC 2012

Op 9 jan 2012, om 12:44 heeft Marius Gedminas het volgende geschreven:

> On Mon, Jan 09, 2012 at 10:01:29AM +0100, Sylvain Viollon wrote:
>>   You can't set a virtual path with the Host header, it is not valid
>>   if you want to follow the RFC.  After as well, you can include the
>>   port in it, but I think you are not sure if you can't really know
>>   if you should create https URL or not, you don't have this
>>   information (this is not required only to be on port 443, and if it
>>   is I am not even sure the port is correctly added in the Host
>>   header).
> In the WSGI world it's usual to use the X-Forwarded-Scheme header to
> determine the scheme (http or https), AFAIU.

   I have nothing against using those headers, even if there disparities between
some of the implementations.

> See e.g. http://pythonpaste.org/wsgiproxy/#the-proxy
> http://pythonpaste.org/deploy/modules/config.html#paste.deploy.config.PrefixMiddleware
> http://packages.python.org/Deliverance/proxy.html
> http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/nginx.html



Sylvain Viollon -- Infrae
t +31 10 243 7051 -- http://infrae.com
Hoevestraat 10 3033GC Rotterdam -- The Netherlands

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