[Zope-dev] zope.app.wsgi.paste doesn't emit a ProcessStarting event

Marius Gedminas marius at gedmin.as
Wed Jan 18 23:50:40 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 05:00:27PM -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
> zope.app.server emits a ProcessStarting event on startup.
> zope.app.wsgi.paste doesn't.  I think it should.


> If there are no
> objections, I'll make a bug fix release for this.

Hm.  I've an app that wraps zope.app.wsgi like this:

    from zope.app.wsgi import getWSGIApplication
    from zope.app.appsetup.interfaces import ProcessStarting
    from zope.event import notify

    def app_factory(global_config, **local_conf):
        """Create a Zope WSGI application given a zope configuration.

        The configuration needs to be specified as the 'config' parameter, e.g. in
        paster.ini use::

            use = egg:ivija
            config =
                site-definition %(site-definition)s
                    server %(run-directory)s/zeosock
                    formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
                    path %(log-directory)s/z3.log
                    formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
                    path STDOUT

        app = getWSGIApplication(StringIO(local_conf['config']))
        return app

Would this result in duplicate ProcessStarting() events after your proposed
change?  Can duplicate ProcessStarting() events cause harm?  If so, I'd rather
see a bigger version bump than just a bugfix.

(We are pinning all our dependency versions with buildout-versions, so our app
won't break if you rele--oh, I see you already released 3.9.3zc2 with the

> BTW, I ended up making a 3.9.3zc1 release (this will spur 3.9.3zc2
> release) because the latest release breaks our apps' tests.  Not sure
> if this was due to zope.testbrowser 4, or the (until recently)
> unreleased zope.app.testing changes needed to work with
> zope.testbrowser 4.  I haven't had time to chase these down, thus the
> 3.9.3zc1 release, which I'm not terribly proud of.

I'm confused about this.  "Latest release" refers to what, 3.9.3?  or was there
a newer version that is now hidden on PyPI?

Marius Gedminas
http://pov.lt/ -- Zope 3/BlueBream consulting and development
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