[Zope-dev] Remove zmi_views menus from zope.file?

Leonardo Rochael Almeida leorochael at gmail.com
Sun May 27 14:16:43 UTC 2012

Hi Uli,

Thanks for taking care of this.


Move to a conditional include of a menu.zcml that (or include a
menu.zcml file that conditionally) registers the browser menus for
zmi_views and release a new minor version, declaring an extra
dependency on the packages that provides zmi_views. With this, release
a new minor version that will be backward compatible, due to the

Then release a new major version that removes the include and the
conditional. Add to README the instructions for manually including
menu.zcml if this functionality is needed.

If you get tired, do just one of the above :-)



On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Uli Fouquet <uli at gnufix.de> wrote:
> Hi there,
> zope.file still registers browser menus for `zmi_views` in its
> browser.zcml. This is a problem if you don't have/want the ZMI but want
> to use zope.file otherwise (IMHO it also means an undeclared dependency,
> as none of the packages zope.file declares to depend on really provides
> this browser menu AFAICS).
> I see that it is easy to register such a menu yourself but it annoys and
> confuses people new to Grok/Zope.
> I'd therefore like to remove these registrations from zope.file, make it
> at least conditional, or move it to some `menu.zcml` or similar, not
> included automatically by z3c.autoinclude and friends.
> Is there a reason why that shouldn't happen? If not: what way would be
> the best in your opinion (removal/conditional/menu.zcml)?
> Best regards,
> --
> Uli
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