[Zope-dev] zope-tests - FAILED: 45, OK: 20

Marius Gedminas marius at gedmin.as
Sat Feb 16 10:16:06 UTC 2013

On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 01:00:02AM +0000, Zope tests summarizer wrote:
> [1]    FAILED  Still Failing - zopetoolkit_trunk - Build # 174
>        https://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2013-February/072375.html

Build # 175 is more interesting:

  Error: Picked: zope.untrustedpython = 4.0.0

 - add zope.untrustedpython to the ZTK
 - switch zope.security to the 3.9 branch

I'm leaning towards option 1, but I don't know the procedure for adding
something to the ZTK.  Help?

Incidentally, the changelog on the PyPI page for zope.security has no
mention of 3.9.x, but the branch (and a 3.9.0 tag) exists in SVN?  What
happened there?

> [3]    FAILED  Zope 3.4 Known Good Set / py2.4-64bit-linux
>        https://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2013-February/072374.html

Looked at this briefly, didn't have time to debug to completion.

> [4]    FAILED  winbot / z3c.authenticator_py_265_32
>        https://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2013-February/072397.html

Interesting test failure:

Test-module import failures:

Module: z3c.authenticator.tests

  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "c:\buildslave\z3c.authenticator\build\src\z3c\authenticator\tests.py", line 19, in <module>
      from z3c.authenticator import testing
    File "c:\buildslave\z3c.authenticator\build\src\z3c\authenticator\testing.py", line 22, in <module>
      from zope.app.testing import setup
    File "c:\eggs\zope.app.testing-3.10.0-py2.6.egg\zope\app\testing\setup.py", line 59, in <module>
      from zope.app.testing.placelesssetup import setUp as placelessSetUp
    File "c:\eggs\zope.app.testing-3.10.0-py2.6.egg\zope\app\testing\placelesssetup.py", line 21, in <module>
      from zope.i18n.testing import PlacelessSetup as I18nPlacelessSetup
  ImportError: cannot import name PlacelessSetup

I guess zope.i18n 4.0.0a3, released yesterday, broke BBB.

I've skipped most of the other failures because with a broken zope.app.testing
I expect them all to be related.

(I looked at zope.contentprovider randomly and saw it was the old error still,
already fixed in the next build.)

> [45]   FAILED  winbot / zope.security_py_265_32
>        https://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2013-February/072367.html

This is interesting:

Failure in test test___repr___checker_forbids_str (zope.security.tests.test_proxy.ProxyCTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Python26_32\lib\unittest.py", line 279, in run
  File "c:\buildslave\zope.security\build\src\zope\security\tests\test_proxy.py", line 178, in test___repr___checker_forbids_str
    'instance at 0x%0x>' % (_BUILTINS, id(target)))
  File "c:\Python26_32\lib\unittest.py", line 350, in failUnlessEqual
    (msg or '%r != %r' % (first, second))
AssertionError: '<security proxied __builtin__.object instance at 0x00961608>' != '<security proxied __builtin__.object instance at 0x961608>'

Failure in test test___str___checker_forbids_str (zope.security.tests.test_proxy.ProxyCTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\Python26_32\lib\unittest.py", line 279, in run
  File "c:\buildslave\zope.security\build\src\zope\security\tests\test_proxy.py", line 162, in test___str___checker_forbids_str
    'instance at 0x%0x>' % (_BUILTINS, id(target)))
  File "c:\Python26_32\lib\unittest.py", line 350, in failUnlessEqual
    (msg or '%r != %r' % (first, second))
AssertionError: '<security proxied __builtin__.object instance at 0x00961608>' != '<security proxied __builtin__.object instance at 0x961608>'

The number of leading zeroes in the hex representation of object addresses

Marius Gedminas
http://pov.lt/ -- Zope 3/BlueBream consulting and development
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