[Zope-PAS] Passwordless authentication

Zachery Bir zbir at urbanape.com
Mon Aug 30 11:39:46 EDT 2004

On Aug 30, 2004, at 10:36 AM, Lennart Regebro wrote:

> I notice that none of the Authentication plugins

None of the *provided* plugins ;^)

> can handle passwordless authentication (like for example SSL 
> Certificates, or most SSO solutions, which will not send the 
> password). This of course prevents any really secure solution to be 
> used at all, since you need to send the password in every request, or 
> store it in a session. ;)

Actually, PAS supports it. There are no assumptions made on what 
constitutes valid credentials. For something like this, though, you'll 
probably want a plugin that does both IExtractCredentialsPlugin and 
IAuthenticateCredentialsPlugin (since they will likely know what to 
look for from each other).

> Anyway, there are a couple of ways to solve this:
> 1. Write passwordless authentication plugins.
>    Drawback: 1. Lot's of duplication of work/code.
>              2. Prevents logging in with both password and passwordless
>                 mechanisms on the same user.
>    Benefit:  1. See 2 above. :)

Ah, well, that's what I'd advocate. I don't personally like the idea of 
the same user logging in via multiple methods.

For what it's worth, I think the real value of PAS is the ease in 
writing new plugins and being able to avoid all the framework 
run-around, which is really where the "duplication of work/code" 
drawback comes from (IMHO).

> 4. Making PAS understand the difference: If no password exists in the
>    credentials, PAS could simply look up the user instead of calling
>    authenticateCredentials.
>    Drawback: What if there are other credentials, like domains?
>              I'm not sure how it is supposed to work then...

For this, you really want to double up your plugin to do both the 
extraction and the authentication.


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