[Zope-PAS] Re: local roles plugins

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Mon Apr 18 08:33:19 EDT 2005

On Apr 18, 2005, at 13:31, Zachery Bir wrote:
> It's been a tricky business. For our part, we've been using PAS to 
> separate the concerns of the folks using both the app server 
> (traditional ZMI stuff) and folks using the application, and allow the 
> application to talk directly to the plugins that concern it. We never 
> bothered trying to come up with an API directly on PAS, since the 
> plugins are so accessible.

Honestly, doing it that way leads to a complete mess as I'm finding out 
in the work I'm doing for Andrew. The goal of putting PAS into the 
application in question was, I assume, to make everything regarding 
user handling more generic so it's easier to factor out specific 
customer requirements. Unfortunately it's just the opposite, things are 
getting worse.


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