[Zope-PAS] Re: id mangling

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu May 26 08:25:13 EDT 2005

I'd really like to help on this, but also hate to nag :)  Does PAS still want the concept of a flexible prefix?  Assuming the zbir_fixing_ids_branch represents the future of PAS, is there anything we can do to help move this forward?

If Zope3 has implemented these ideas already, I guess I could simply look at that.  Does anyone know if that is the case?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-pas-bounces at zope.org [mailto:zope-pas-bounces at zope.org]On
> Behalf Of Mark Hammond
> Sent: Wednesday, 18 May 2005 12:55 PM
> To: 'Zachery Bir'; zope-pas at zope.org
> Subject: RE: [Zope-PAS] Re: id mangling
> > The initial work is done (scrubbing 
> > PAS of expectations of mangled ids), I think all we need 
> > now is a way 
> > to have the plugins to assert they want to use a prefix. I 
> > imagine this 
> > would be some property of the plugin and if you need 
> > multiple plugins 
> > to play along together, you'd make the same assignment on each.
> Along with Cameron, I'm starting to have a bit of a look at 
> this.  Looking back over the archives, I found a mail from 
> Lennart that went into slightly more detail:
> : It was decided that you define the prefix for each plugin, as a 
> : configuration setting or that plugin. That will mean that 
> : extractor, authenticator and enumerator plugins with that 
> : prefix will only work 
> : with plugins e/a/e plugins with the same prefix.
> : Default will be no prexfix, meaning that all plugins will 
> : work with all other plugins.
> There seem to be 2 basic ways of approaching this in 
> zbir_fixing_ids_branch
> 1) Re-instate the concept of _mangleId(), but change the 
> implementation (and params) to add a prefix only if the 
> plugin wants one.  This would also appear to involve adding 
> the concept of the prefix to the interface.
> 2) Keep this concept internal to the plugin itself.  The 
> plugin becomes responsible for adding or removing the prefix 
> as appropriate.
> (1) seems right to me here.
> Once either of them is done, the ZMI for existing plugins 
> will need to grow the ability to set this prefix, and 
> existing plugins will need to review their use of the mangle 
> functions (the details of which depend on 1 or 2 above)
> Am I on the right track here?  I so, can someone offer me 
> guidance on (1) and (2) above?
> Thanks,
> Mark
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