[Zope-PAS] PAS: authenticateCredentials: check lowercase too?

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Mon Jan 21 17:27:47 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 01/21/2013 09:50 AM, Maurits van Rees wrote:
> Hello again,
> Okay, I am done with all the changes that I think are needed. The
> branch is ready for review and if accepted I can merge it: 
> http://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Products.PluggableAuthService/branches/maurits-login-transform
>  Summary of changes:
> - Added login_transform string property to PAS.
> - Added applyTransform method to PAS, which looks for a method on PAS
>  with the name specified in the login_transform property.
> - Added two possible transforms to PAS: lower and upper.
> - Changed the methods of PAS to call applyTransform wherever needed.
> - Added the existing updateUser method of ZODBUserManager to the 
> IUserEnumerationPlugin interface.
> - Added a new updateEveryLoginName method to ZODBUserManager and the 
> IUserEnumerationPlugin interface.
> - Added three methods to PAS and IPluggableAuthService:
> updateLoginName, updateOwnLoginName, updateAllLoginNames. These
> methods call updateUser or updateEveryLoginName on every
> IUserEnumerationPlugin. Since these are later additions to the plugin
> interface, we log a warning when a plugin does not have these methods
> (for example the mutable_properties plugin of PlonePAS, though I will
> update that one) but will not fail. When no plugin is able to update a
> user, this will raise an exception: we do not want to quietly let this
> pass when for example a login name is already taken by another user.
> - Changing the login_transform property in the ZMI will call 
> PAS.updateAllLoginNames. If login_transform is the same or has become
> an empty string, we do not do anything.
> - Updated and added tests. All pass: "Total: 519 tests, 0 failures, 0
>  errors in 0.868 seconds."
> - The new login_transform property is empty by default. In that case,
>  the behavior of PAS is the same as it currently is. The various 
> applyTransform calls will have a (presumably very small) performance
> impact.
> Please tell me what you think.

Thanks for your effort here:  the branch looks good to me.  Please go
ahead and merge it to the trunk.

One thing that would increase my confidence before releasing:  can you
(or somebody else) confirm that the Plone trunk works with your branch?

- -- 
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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