[Zope-tests] FAILED : Zope-2_9-branch Python-2.4.2 : Linux

Zope Unit Tests zope-tests at epy.co.at
Mon Dec 5 22:24:18 EST 2005

Zope Unit Tests : FAILED
Zope-2_9-branch Python-2.4.2 : Linux

Running /usr/local/python2.4/bin/python test.py -q
Running unit tests:

Failure in test /autotest/temp/python24-zope29/lib/python/Products/Five/form/tests/forms.txt
Failed doctest test for forms.txt
  File "/autotest/temp/python24-zope29/lib/python/Products/Five/form/tests/forms.txt", line 0

File "/autotest/temp/python24-zope29/lib/python/Products/Five/form/tests/forms.txt", line 474, in forms.txt
Failed example:
    print http(r"""
    POST /test_folder_1_/ftf/+/addfieldcontent.html HTTP/1.1
    Accept-Language: de
    Authorization: Basic manager:r00t
    Content-Length: 670
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------19588947601368617292863650127

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.title"

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.description"

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.somenumber"

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT"

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="add_input_name"

    """, handle_errors=False)
Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    - ...Felderinhalt hinzuf...
    - ...Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten...
    + Content-Length: 2479
    + Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    + <html>
    + <head>
    + </head>
    + <body>
    + <div>
    +   <div>
    +     <form action="http://localhost/test_folder_1_/ftf/%2B/addfieldcontent.html"
    +           method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    +       <div>
    +         <h3>Felderinhalt hinzufügen</h3>
    +         <p>An error occured.</p>
    - ...Es gab <strong>1</strong> Eingabefehler...
    ? ^^^                                        ^^
    +         <p>Es gab <strong>1</strong> Eingabefehler.</p>
    ? ^^^^^^^^^^^                                        ^^^^
    - ...Eine kurz...Titel...
    - ...Erforderliche Eingabe fehlt...
    - ...Eine ausf...Beschreibung...
    - ...Irgendeine Zahl...
    - ...Irgendeine Liste...
    - ...hinzuf...
    - ...Auffrischen...
    - ...Hinzuf...
    - ...Objektname...
    +       <div class="row">
    +           <div class="label">
    +             <label for="field.title"
    +                    title="Eine kurze Beschreibung des Ereignisses.">Titel</label>
    +           </div>
    +           <span class="error">Erforderliche Eingabe fehlt.</span>
    +           <div class="field"><input class="textType" id="field.title" name="field.title" size="20" type="text" value=""  /></div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="row">
    +           <div class="label">
    +             <label for="field.description"
    +                    title="Eine ausführliche Beschreibung des Ereignisses.">Beschreibung</label>
    +           </div>
    +           <div class="field"><textarea cols="60" id="field.description" name="field.description" rows="15" ></textarea></div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="row">
    +           <div class="label">
    +             <label for="field.somenumber" title="">Irgendeine Zahl</label>
    +           </div>
    +           <div class="field"><input class="textType" id="field.somenumber" name="field.somenumber" size="10" type="text" value="0"  /></div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="row">
    +           <div class="label">
    +             <label for="field.somelist" title="">Irgendeine Liste</label>
    +           </div>
    +           <div class="field"><table border="0"><tr><td><input type="submit" name="field.somelist.add" value="Some item hinzufügen" /></td></tr></table>
    + <input type="hidden" name="field.somelist.count" value="0" /></div>
    +       </div>
    +         <div class="separator"></div>
    +         <div class="separator"></div>
    +       </div>
    +       <br /><br />
    +       <div class="row">
    +         <div class="controls"><hr />
    +           <input type="submit" value="Auffrischen" />
    +           <input type="submit" value="Hinzufügen"
    +                  name="UPDATE_SUBMIT" />
    +                &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Objektname</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    +               <input type="text" name="add_input_name" />
    +         </div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="separator"></div>
    +     </form>
    +   </div>
    +   </div>
    + </body>
    + </html>
File "/autotest/temp/python24-zope29/lib/python/Products/Five/form/tests/forms.txt", line 540, in forms.txt
Failed example:
    print http(r"""
    POST /test_folder_1_/ftf/i18ntest/edit.html HTTP/1.1
    Accept-Language: de
    Authorization: Basic manager:r00t
    Content-Length: 550
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------13070562555632576681565633754

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.title"

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.description"

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field.somenumber"

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UPDATE_SUBMIT"

    """, handle_errors=False)
Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    - ...Felderinhalt bearbeiten...
    - ...Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten...
    + Content-Length: 2335
    + Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    + <html>
    + <head>
    + </head>
    + <body>
    + <div>
    +   <div>
    +     <form action="http://localhost/test_folder_1_/ftf/i18ntest/edit.html"
    +           method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    +       <div>
    +         <h3>Felderinhalt bearbeiten</h3>
    +         <p>An error occured.</p>
    - ...Es gab <strong>1</strong> Eingabefehler...
    ? ^^^                                        ^^
    +         <p>Es gab <strong>1</strong> Eingabefehler.</p>
    ? ^^^^^^^^^^^                                        ^^^^
    - ...Eine kurz...Titel...
    - ...Erforderliche Eingabe fehlt...
    - ...Eine ausf...Beschreibung...
    - ...Irgendeine Zahl...
    - ...Irgendeine Liste...
    - ...hinzuf...
    - ...Auffrischen...
    - ...Abschicken...
    +       <div class="row">
    +           <div class="label">
    +             <label for="field.title"
    +                    title="Eine kurze Beschreibung des Ereignisses.">Titel</label>
    +           </div>
    +           <span class="error">Erforderliche Eingabe fehlt.</span>
    +           <div class="field"><input class="textType" id="field.title" name="field.title" size="20" type="text" value=""  /></div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="row">
    +           <div class="label">
    +             <label for="field.description"
    +                    title="Eine ausführliche Beschreibung des Ereignisses.">Beschreibung</label>
    +           </div>
    +           <div class="field"><textarea cols="60" id="field.description" name="field.description" rows="15" ></textarea></div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="row">
    +           <div class="label">
    +             <label for="field.somenumber" title="">Irgendeine Zahl</label>
    +           </div>
    +           <div class="field"><input class="textType" id="field.somenumber" name="field.somenumber" size="10" type="text" value="0"  /></div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="row">
    +           <div class="label">
    +             <label for="field.somelist" title="">Irgendeine Liste</label>
    +           </div>
    +           <div class="field"><table border="0"><tr><td><input type="submit" name="field.somelist.add" value="Some item hinzufügen" /></td></tr></table>
    + <input type="hidden" name="field.somelist.count" value="0" /></div>
    +       </div>
    +         <div class="separator"></div>
    +         <div class="separator"></div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="row">
    +         <div class="controls">
    +           <input type="submit" value="Auffrischen" />
    +           <input type="submit" name="UPDATE_SUBMIT"
    +                  value="Abschicken" />
    +         </div>
    +       </div>
    +       <div class="separator"></div>
    +     </form>
    +   </div>
    +   </div>
    + </body>
    + </html>

/autotest/temp/python24-zope29/lib/python/ZServer/datatypes.py:138: DeprecationWarning: Using FastCGI is deprecated. You should use mod_proxy to run Zope with Apache
  "to run Zope with Apache", DeprecationWarning)
  Ran 4262 tests with 1 failures and 0 errors in 290.425 seconds.


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