[ZWeb] Monitoring zope.org & reducing downtime
Jimmie Houchin
Wed, 06 Sep 2000 09:29:19 -0500
Just for clarity, the first comment was mine in reply to Simon Coles,
which was a reply to a message from Paul. The rest was Simon and Paul,
or was that Paul Simon?
Zopeland, Zopeland, hmmm,hmmm... Zopeland.
Might have lost some there. Oh well. :)
It would be nice if you dropped the IP addresses from the page served.
For a lot of us it isn't to big a concern as we have dynamically
generated addresses. It could be an issue for those behind DSLs or other
always on connections where they have a permanent address.
I look forward to seeing the progress you note at the bottom. Good times
are a comin'.
Jimmie Houchin
ethan mindlace fremen wrote:
> Jimmie Houchin wrote:
> > On that site it can contain a link to a "Zope Weather" page for
> > information on Zope.org's status for those who are interested.
> http://www.zope.org/server-status
> This gives time to fulfill request & a bunch of other useful stuff. If
> zope is handling loads of requests, it's probably just slow rather than
> down.
> Unfortunately it also gives out the IP addresses of people connecting,
> which may be interpreted as a privacy issue. Does anyone have thoughts
> on that?
> > > >1) Zope.org sits behind Apache using mod_proxy for integration. We
> > > >should find out what is the timeout for proxy connections. If it is
> > > >configurable, we should dial it _way_ down (e.g. 20 seconds). If Zope
> > > >doesn't respond, get it to say so in a reasonable period of time.
> I'm not so certain on this point. I am currently working on letting
> Apache and downstream proxies cache the images & files (.tgz stuff).
> This should reduce Zope's hit rate by a _lot_. Images and files are the
> two largest things that Zope serves: with apache caching them, it should
> speed everything up tremendously.
> > > >2) Next, we should hack the Apache error page to be meaningful. For
> > > >instance:
> If anyone knows how I trap for the "proxy not responding" error message,
> I'd be happy to set something up, but I currently haven't the foggiest
> idea.
> > > On the "What to do when Zope.org is down" front, it really is
> > > disruptive for people when they can't get the stuff they need. I know
> > > long term its being fixed, but that doesn't help us between now and
> > > when its nice and robust.
> I should have a pager soon (in the next 2 days, i'm told), and I'm going
> to let the community know its number. I'm not sure how wide & far I'll
> spread it, but at least key people will know it, and if they see a
> zope.org is down message &/or notice it themselves, then they can page
> me & I'll heed the call.
> So your work shouldn't be slowed down for more than an hour (depending
> on where I am).
> The "long-term" you quote above is shorter than you might think: By the
> end of next week, there should be at least one geographically distinct
> ZEO-mirror of Zope.org running.
> By the end of the month (give or take) zope.org will be running on two
> boxes simultaneously. At that time, I expect very little diagnostic or
> repair work that we do will take the site down, and I also expect its
> general uptime to increase drastically.
> does that help address things?
> --
> ethan mindlace fremen
> Zopatista Community Liason
> Abnegate I!
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