[ZWeb] what's new (isn't)
Sat, 16 Sep 2000 16:23:22 -0500 (CDT)
First, thanks for whatever part you have in making zope what it is!
What's New is a very important part of trying to understand what is
going on in the zope world. I've missed it very much. My routine is
now to vist the products page, the how-to page, the tips page, and
sort their lists... Less convenient. Plus, it probably misses some
classes of stuff that I might want to know about.
Please find time to fix it!
This falls into this category:
The site (www.zope.org, + dev.zope.org) is decreasing in it's
"usability". It's becoming increasingly hard to find out what is
going on -- wiki's are too hard to follow, etc.. As the effort to
follow it increases, I'm approaching the limit of what I can afford...
Thanks for listening!
Jim Rowan