[ZWeb] Finalise the agenda.
sanket" <zopist@rediffmail.com
7 Dec 2001 14:20:23 -0000
Guys,=0D=0AI think seb is correct we are really moving in different directi=
ons. I have been following the discussion closely and have come to the conc=
lusion that (mostly) everybody=0D=0Aagree on Reorganising zope.org.=0D=0Aso=
firstly lets pick up this topic.=0D=0Asecondly: when and where do we meet =
for IRC ??=0D=0APlease reference the time with GMT in the discussion.=0D=0A=
=0D=0AThanks,=0D=0ASanket.=0D=0A=0D=0A =0A