[ZWeb] irc meet?
seb bacon
10 Dec 2001 17:30:21 +0000
Yes, that was the gist of my post :-)
OK, here's some things to discuss tomorrow, for those who are interested
in the ZopeOrgReorg.
I mentioned sorting out some kind of process for us to stick to. I'm
still very keen on this, especially since we are going to have to
distribute tasks among a large number of people.
The first steps IMO should be
- requirements (aims of site, audience, success criteria)
- functional spec (use cases, etc)
- information architecture (usability...)
- design
once we've got some agreement on these first steps, we should assign
some roles.
I'm still not clear about the ZC involvement in this. Martijn, you seem
to (have) be(en) in charge of the new.zope.org effort? Paul, you
mentioned Penny and Lois? It would be good to be clear about the
history and personnel involved from ZC in the effort so far.
I've cc'd people who appear to be interested in the early, pre-build
phases (judging from the contributor list). Anyone else, please come
along 1800 UTC tomorrow too.
On Mon, 2001-12-10 at 17:01, paul wrote:
> I agree with what I think is the gist of your post. Namely, the last
> week has produced 500 suggestions on the top priority. What's now
> needed are individual efforts to start accomplishing things.
> An IRC chat to debate about the list of 500 priorities will give a low
> ROI. Instead, it's time to shift into "put up or shut up" mode. :^)
> Namely, if someone wants to organize an effort, propose an IRC
> appointment on that effort.
> Thus, I'm happy to see Seb's proposal for a focused IRC chat. And I'm
> willing to participate and contribute on that topic. I also hope that
> others will propose and shepherd other topics.
> --Paul
> seb bacon wrote:
> > Paul's reminded me that I had suggested a irc chat today. I'm thinking
> > of tomorrow since I've failed to be organised about today.
> >
> > I feel the principles that Paul set out previously were good:
> >
> >
> >>I propose that anybody proposing an item needs to agree to be the
> >>shepherd for that item. Being a shepherd needs to be some work:
> >>
> >> o Write up a quick proposal and put it in the wiki
> >>
> >> o Setup an IRC appointment
> >>
> >> o Put a log of the IRC session in the Wiki
> >>
> >> o Report back to us on what's planned to be done
> >>
> >
> > I want to try and push forward ZopeOrgReorg. For now, this means *not*
> > taking on the fishbowl or product sections. I'm thinking more about
> > getting a new skin, finalising use cases, and sorting out a really good
> > information architecture.
> >
> > How do people feel about this? I'm worried I didn't remind enough
> > people enough in advance, so I'd probably rather put it off till
> > tomorrow, 1800 UTC. I'll write up some kind of agenda, and circulate
> > for discussion tomorrow. Please let me know if you can make it, so I
> > can get a feel for if I need to announce this a bit louder.
> >
> > I'll go hang out on openprojects anyway in a minute...
> >
> > seb