[ZWeb] [IDEA] mnemonic urls (was Re: New Collector available)
Simon Michael
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 20:40:33 -0800
The new collector site is great!
I added a couple of issues at http://collector.zope.org/ColDev. This
one seems to want to go here, for some reason. Probably because it's
more discussable than the others.
Short, mnemonic, consistent urls are more pleasant to use and help
visitors form a mental picture of site contents. Also, I think
consistent and shallow paths to site content will help keep parts of
it from getting lost. Quick example: [1]
I liked going to collector.zope.org and seeing a list of available
collectors with descriptions. I'd like to propose that all collectors
& trackers be moved here. Also, bugs.zope.org might be a nice familiar
alternate alias.
I like how swiki lists available wikis at the top level, usually with
an overall search form (http://pbl.cc.gatech.edu), and I like the
intention of http://zope.org/Wikis . As an update of the latter, I'd
like to propose that all wikis be moved to wikis.zope.org.
Similarly, I'd like to see all lists moved to lists.zope.org. Without
going overboard, there may be other natural candidates for this
A few more details. When I say "moved", I mean that I'd like to see
those things listed at the obvious url, with descriptions where
possible, and automatically, so the lists are kept current; and, that
the canonical urls of these resources would be
collector.zope.org/collectorid, wikis.zope.org/wikiid, etc. Also,
canonical page urls would be wikis.zope.org/wikiname/PageName, which
is nice.
When I say "all", I mean all. But "all official" would be a start. If
some wikis have to remain down in member folders it would be nice to
hide this fact as far as urls are concerned, eg with redirector (but
reliable rewriting may be a greater maintenance burden than just
moving stuff).
Should the canonical hostnames be singular (collector) or plural
(collectors) ? Not sure, but if possible consistent, and the "wrong"
hostname should redirect to the other (or both should work).
Any comments ? Help needed ?
[1].. I don't think it's necessary, but just for fun I tested this
right now. I'm writing this mail. Quick, how do I get to the fishbowl
from here ? No idea. Sequence follows:
1. switch to browser
2. type zope.org<enter> in the url field
3. konqueror autocompletion adds stuff and takes me somewhere else
4. try it again
5. scan small dim links, click dev.zope.org
6. scan homogenous text, click Fishbowl Process
7. see the introduction and the faq. Where's the myriad of discussions
I know are here ? No idea. Call me dumb. Real-life user experience of
a product developer who's been to the fishbowl before.
(Yes, I figured it out in the time it took to finsh formatting all