[ZWeb] The Collector at <URL:http://classics.zope.org:8080/Collector>
Erik Enge
19 Feb 2001 01:08:30 +0100
[Tim Keating]
| I was noticing as I crawled through the collector that a LOT of bugs
| look like they can be closed. And I've only been using Zope for a
| couple of months, they're THAT obvious.
They are indeed, I've sent the following list to Brian Lloyd. I'll
post it here as well, so we avoid duplicate effort. :)
As I said to Brian, some of these might be wrongly categorized, that's
my mistake. It's premature, I haven't really dived into it, but I'm
going out to a customer for the next fortnight so I might as well give
you the list now;
Hard to understand:
Need more information:
The next one could be solved already, depending on what the user is
actually asking for:
Not longer valid?:
Should be able to close:
With sort on, this is semi-done:
Fixed with new management interface?:
Same thing?:
User error?:
This one seems to repeat in several forms: