[ZWeb] Colorguide update
Charlie Blanchard
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 07:52:57 -0700
very nice! suggest you print the source link in your credit
line as you've done crediting marc's version. you never know
where the image will end up, and it's nice for end users to be
able to come back to the 'source' for updates easily...
On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 09:24:57AM -0500, davelehman@loewen.com wrote:
> Further to Marc Bowery's CMF color guide (06/09 ZWN):
> I thought this was a great idea, but also thought it could be "spiffed-up"
> a bit. Someone made a newsgroup comment the other day that the Zope
> community needs to start doing things in a more professional manner if they
> want the Zope platform to get in to the mainstream. So here's my
> contribution to that vision!
> A re-done, "more professional" version of Marc's great color chart can be
> found at:
> http://cmf.zope.org/Members/grifter70000/color_guide.
> --grifter
charlie blanchard
LosAngeles area Zope Users Group http://lazug.org