[ZWeb] wiki managment and wiki page owners.

Karl Anderson karl@digicool.com
27 Mar 2001 15:52:13 -0800

As manager of a wiki on dev.zope.org I want to delete a page.  The
AdvancedActions page
(http://www.zope.org/Wikis/zope-xml/XMLTree/advancedform) won't let me
do so because I'm not the owner of the page, even though the relevent
acl_users folder (http://www.zope.org/acl_users/karl) says that I have
the Manager role.

Shouldn't the Manager role give me wiki access regardles of the wiki
page's owner?

Every permission in the wiki's folder
(http://www.zope.org/Wikis/zope-xml/manage) has Manager access
checked, as well as "acquire permsision settings".

Could this be because another user owns the wiki's folder?  I thought
that this was irrelevent.

Karl Anderson                          karl@digicool.com