[ZWeb] ZDiscussions Topic Help Help!!!
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 23:58:20 +0800 (CST)
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Can anyone help me on the installation of ZDiscussion into Zope 2.5.0 and/or 2.5.1b?
I had installed this into my office computer win2000 without any problem. However, when I installed it into my home notebook (win2000 sp2) it always shows "NameError" on both version 2.5.0 and 2.5.1b.
I'm sure that I had installed it correctly. But just don't know why I cannot install it into my home notebook pc (same os win2000).
Is there any relation with the browser setting or network setting? I just type http://localhost:8080/manage to log into the management screen.
Another bothering thing is that I cannot add page template into my home notebook under version 2.5.0. It showed undefined error and cannot allow you to access the manage_header_page... just don't know why. However, this is resolved after I installed version 2.5.1b.