[ZWeb] Request for Feedback
seb bacon
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 22:48:20 +0100
I don't think you're out of line at all, though I think the label
'parasitic' may have been a bit inflammatory :) I think the answer to
"why does Beehive do this rather than that" is obvious: they want to
make money. I also don't really care what others' motives are; I can't
presume to know, so why bother?
There's a fair bit of good will towards beehive because they have
produced some useful things in the past, so concentrating on the 'why
are beehive doing that' rather than the 'why isn't everyone else doing
this' aspect was perhaps a mistake.
However, I share your interest in community dynamics. I have no idea
how to harness the talent that is surely "out there" but there must be a
way. Your input into the IA for nzo has been really useful, too, so
please keep it up, and please respond to the continuing efforts to get
the front page design finished! It would be good to meet on irc for a
nzo meeting. If you want to discuss anything about the front page in
realtime, just set a date and some of us will try to make it. We really
need the energy of people like yourself to keep this thing going. If we
don't encourage each other by continued engagement things will
eventually fizzle out again. I know I personally can't keep up the work
I've been putting into it for that much longer. If we can just make the
effort all at the same time maybe we'll get somewhere.
Trevor Toenjes wrote:
> For those following the Zope-mag thread on the zope-list.
> I am looking for feedback...
> Am I out-of-line by asking why Beehive thought it was necessary to spend
> efforts to launch a pay-per-Ezine rather than contributing to the projects
> on this list? I think their participation here would be very welcome.
> I am not drawing lines. I am trying to define this phenomenon so I
> understand community dynamics.
> I am new to this list, but dont recall any participation from Beehive.
> Please send me the right info if you have it.
> Thanks
> -Trevor