[ZWeb] [Fwd: [ZOC] 51/ 1 Request "page has two body tags"]
Paul Everitt
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 18:19:34 -0400
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I can't remember who initially reported this issue. I can't reproduce it.
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>From - Thu Apr 25 11:28:11 2002
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Subject: [ZOC] 51/ 1 Request "page has two body tags"
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Issue #51 Update (Request) "page has two body tags"
Status Pending, skin/bug medium
To followup, visit:
= Request - Entry #1 by robertr on Apr 25, 2002 6:41 am
Two bodytags are create in the nzo-pages.
The second one is just after the breadcrumbs.
Both of them have a close tag, albeit at a strange place.