[ZWeb] What do you scan for first when you look at a product?
Paul Everitt
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:37:52 -0400
Trevor Toenjes wrote:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/trevor/productspage/index_html
For me, I scanned in this order:
1) The product title in the grey area
2) The ratings box.
3) The table underneath the ratings box.
> What info on the page needs to be moved to the top?
I think the download link should be *much* more prominent. Many people
will know what the thing is and simply look for getting an updated download.
I also think too much space is given to description, explanation, and
how-to. It pushes everything else below the first screenful.
Take the optional thumbnails and move them below the table, to give more
space to the text, in order to bring the other stuff up.