[ZWeb] What do you scan for first when you look at a product?
Didier Georgieff
Sat, 27 Apr 2002 18:46:11 +0200
I tried to have a look around what was going on nzo, but I hope this
was not discussed before (first attempt on nzo).
The new Product page looks great ! Kudos !
Just few remarks :
- Description, explanation, how-to, mailing list, developpment are
missing some "obvious at a glance" thing. I guess it's just a
question of having the title more proeminent at first sight (some
blue background with white caracter ?).
- We don't have any info about what zope versions are tested ok.
Sometimes you have some patch for a certain version, some "dont'
work on x.y", or some tested on x.y.
To avoid huge bloat, we could have a "latest tested zope" and a
"more about zope versions" ala download concept.
We could have the possibility to add a zope version (or a range of
versions) and his status (tested, patch needed and a link to the
patch or a text area to write the patch).
We also could allow people to add some positive or negative
feedback about zope/product version (may be with some owner
The problem is also that all this could or should apply to 'any'
product version (n-m problem !).
- I also agree that the thumbnails should be lower in order to make
the right section more promoted.
may be only one thubnail on th upper section should be enough ?
- also may be having a more clear separation (color ? border ? , ?)
for the "official" and the "community part ?"
- should Special Notice from the Author be upper ?
I'll look further in the mail archives and get back to you.