[ZWeb] upcomming chat
Paul Everitt
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 14:31:58 -0400
I certainly appreciate the point of view your expressing, as well as the
recommendations on good programming practice. However, I'm learning
from experience on current zope.org, which has a rather byzantine
collection of "convenience" programming that make deciphering the output
of certain pages into a detective's job.
The matter under question will involve fewer than ten sections that are
redundant in perhaps one location. The decrease of complexity is worth
it compared to the cost from explicitness.
If later it proves to be a problem that needs help through programming,
we'll address it.
R. David Murray wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Robert Rottermann wrote:
>>This centralizing of information was my idea behind what I did.
>>However Paul is right that in Two years time there will be dozens of such
>>intelligent little pieces of information nobody knows how to handle anymore.
>>So we have to balance.
> As opposed to, in two years, having dozens of places where the same
> information is encoded in more than one place, and nobody can remember
> where all the spots are you have to hit to get them all updated
> correctly?
> --RDM