[ZWeb] Re: A tree in the Forest: Zopelabs
Lennart Regebro
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 17:09:58 +0100
From: "alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com>
> * more zope sites equate to a healthy zope community.
Eh? Many Zope sites is an indication of lots of people using Zope. It
doesn't equate to a healthy community nor does it help a healthy community.
> * the new zope.org development effort is a 'open' process and if you want
> contribute I believe they are letting people have CVS access so they can
I'm aware of the discussion on this. It was largely done on this mailing
list. :-)
Nothing much seems to have happened though.
> * if nothing does what you want, make your own.
My point was that I didn't want to do that.
> (but be prepared to stick to your guns)
Why? If somebody makes a better gun than mine, shouldn't I use theirs? If me
and somebody else can do an even better gun by cooperating, shouldn't we do