[ZWeb] Zope.org feedback: ZODB
Steve Spicklemire
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 08:18:33 -0500
Hi Delens,
There are several different storage systems that work with ZODB. Most=20
folks use the default Storage, called "FileStorage". There is however a=20=
production storage based on Sleepycat's BSD3 database, one that uses=20
Oracle, and another that uses filesystem directories (others?). The=20
techniques one would use to transport Zope objects between servers at=20
the storage level will differ for each of these storage systems.=20
However, you can also move Zope objects between server at a higher=20
level. There are a couple of projects that use the export/import=20
facilities of Zope to do that (ZCVSFolder, ZSyncer) as well as others=20
that create their own file-based representation of objects and use that=20=
(ZCVSFolder does this as well, CVSFile does this, I think). With the CVS=20=
based products, you can use CVS to manage versions, and handle=20
development/test/deployment staging.
does that help?
On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at 07:56 AM, Delens Pierre-Yves (via=20
www.zope.org) wrote:
> Bonjour,
> prior to diving into Zope, we 'd like to know 1 thing about ZODB :
> Is a ZODB database moveable between 2 servers (test and production) =
> simple copy (FTP, like Access) ?
> On a table by table basis, or only as a whole ?
> Or have we to script like for Sql server and alike ?
> Thanks
> ___________________________________________________
> P-Y Delens, Ir-Arch
> Resp. "Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication"
> pour la FAB - F=C8d=C8ration des Architectes de Belgique
> pour la SAF - Soci=C8t=C8 des Architectes Francophones - =
> c/o LIENTERFACES - PY Delens, sprl
> Avenue Dolez, 243 - 1180 Bruxelles
> phone : 32 2 375 55 62
> fax : 32 2 374 75 74
> mail : py.delens@lienterfaces.be
> web : www.lienterfaces.be
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