[ZWeb] Re: IA for zope.org

Olivier Deckmyn odeckmyn.list@teaser.fr
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 22:46:47 +0200

I'm afraid you are right Lennart :(

I just can't keep on thinking that others might want to say something...
I will try to do some work tomorrow (people don't work tomorrow in France).

See you

> From: "Olivier Deckmyn" <odeckmyn.list@teaser.fr>
> > Would you prefer something else ? What do people from this mailing list
> > think ?
> Who cares what others think. :-) The peolpe on this list has had a chance
> vote. Go with the most popular one. You will never be able to satisfy
> everybody anyway, and there will be tons and tons of unconstructive
> criticism and people saying that it's butt ugly whatever you do. Thats
> life.