[ZWeb] FYI: Some cleanup on current zope.org
Paul Everitt
Thu, 09 May 2002 10:09:30 -0400
Good point, and fixed. If anybody has any other tasklets, lemme know.
FWIW, to give an idea how monstrous current zope.org has become, here is
the snippet in index_html that inserts the spotlight into the TD:
<dtml-with Documentation>
<dtml-with Articles>
<dtml-with expr="_.getitem(current)">
SRC="Images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="righttitle"><H2 CLASS="righttitle"><a
CLASS="righttitle" href="&dtml-absolute_url;"><dtml-var title></a></TD>
<dtml-if photo_url>
<dtml-var expr="_.getitem(photo_url).tag(align='right')">
<b>By <dtml-var Author><br>
<dtml-var Description fmt="structured-text"></p>
<br><a href="&dtml-absolute_url;" class="welcomelink">More...</a>
Cool, eh? :^)
seb bacon wrote:
>> In the next few days I'll be putting BeeHive's Zope Mag in the
>> spotlight. I'll need to queue up the next spotlight and try to get
>> into a better rotation.
> In the meantime, could I suggest *not* putting the date with the
> spotlight? I've had a couple of non-Zopers commenting on the August
> 2001 date currently displayed :-)
> seb