[ZWeb] FYI: Next step on news

Paul Everitt paul@eurozope.org
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:03:21 +0100

Hmm, this format yields something not quite like the original.  
Basically, it make sit look like footnotes, which makes sense for a 
footnote. :^)  However, people might want the original to have the 
hyperlinks as part of the text being hyperlinked, rather jumping down 
to a named link to then jump to the target.

Also, the format you showed doesn't turn the URL in the citation into a 
hyperlink for the rendered version.  You would have to cut-and-paste it 
into the browser.

If I'm incorrect on this, could you point me at a URL that shows the 
right behavior in action?


On Friday, Nov 15, 2002, at 16:59 Europe/Paris, Martijn Pieters wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 01:29:33PM +0100, Paul Everitt wrote:
>> That's a neat format, but I don't think that STX will let you put the
>> references inline like that.  I think you have to put it at the 
>> bottom.
>>  Of course, there's STX vs. STX-NG vs. ReST.  I can't keep the 
>> footnote
>> syntax straight on these.
> STX does references just fine. Here is a test I just did:
> Test paragraph
>   This is a paragraph about some nice items, which has a reference[1] 
> in it
>   as well.  Now we make sure that it is a multi line paragraph. The
>   reference will be pointing to a line below.
>   .. [1] http://www.zope.org
>   Another paragraph is here. Again, we include some references[2]. 
> Make sure
>   this is more than one line[2].
>   .. [2] http://www.zope.com
>   .. [3] http://www.python.org
> References
>   .. [1] http://www.zope.org
>   .. [2] http://www.zope.com
>   .. [3] http://www.python.org
> All [x] links are correctly wrapped in <a href="#refx"> pointers, and 
> all ..
> [x] enpoints get a <a name="refx"> target. The above example has 
> dublicate
> targets, but it still renders correctly. The second set of targets just
> isn't accessible, masked by the first. Just drop that section or the 
> earlier
> intra-parapgrah references altogether and we have a fine format.
> -- 
> Martijn Pieters
> | Software Engineer  mailto:mj@zope.com
> | Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com/
> | Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/
> ---------------------------------------------