[ZWeb] REVISIT: Switch zope.org search to google

alan runyan alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 09:34:01 -0500

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Everitt" <paul@eurozope.org>
To: "Zope.org Mailinglist" <zope-web@zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 4:41 AM
Subject: [ZWeb] REVISIT: Switch zope.org search to google

> Howdy.  Back in April we discussed the results from Seb's survey.  He 
> showed that the quality of search results was the number one user 
> complaint.  In a post we discussed addressing this complaint:
>    http://lists.zope.org/pipermail/zope-web/2002-April/001208.html
> I think we all agreed that zope.org should put its customers first by 
> taking action on the number one complaint.  The proposed action was to 
> make the default search box go to the Google search, same as the search 
> box at the bottom of:
>    http://www.zope.org/SiteIndex/searchForm
> We deferred the decision, thinking that we could implement better 
> relevance within a couple of months.  Clearly that hasn't happened and 
> isn't likely to happen in the next couple of months.
> I'd like to get people's opinions (+1, 0, -1) on the following proposal:
>    "zope.org should make Google the default full-text search and return 
> to Zope relevance
>    searching as soon as it is available."
> Remember, this isn't construed as a decision, which I think rests with 
> Martijn to make.  Rather, I'm looking for what people on this list 
> think, as input to Martijn.
> --Paul
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