[ZWeb] REVISIT: Switch zope.org search to google

Paul Everitt paul@eurozope.org
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 17:10:50 +0200

On mercredi, oct 16, 2002, at 15:58 Europe/Paris, Magnus Heino wrote:
>>    "zope.org should make Google the default full-text search and 
>> return
>> to Zope relevance
>>    searching as soon as it is available."
> -1
> Google can't even help me locate more info about the nzo project. 
> Where is it?
> Get get Zope2.6 with the new ZCTextIndex, install Plone, change the 
> logo,
> setup some workflow, write migration scripts, done.
> Use files for products, documents for howtos. CMFBacktalk is there for 
> books.
> CMFWiki is ready too.
> Its much better than current zope.org, its available with a few man 
> weeks
> effort, and its working. Hey, we can even have i18n..

Wow, a couple of manweeks, eh?  :^)

Sure, if you throw out every single user and every single piece of 
content, it's a piece of cake to start over.  But if you're talking 
about migrating the existing site content, and doing so in a 
professional way, you're estimate might need some revision.

Still, you can prove us wrong.  I believe that you can check everything 
out, including some of the sample data.  Do some prototyping to 
demonstrate the accuracy of your estimate and disprove our previous 

Again, I'm not trying to argue for or against improving/migrating the 
site.  If relevant searching in zope.org is truly just around the 
corner, then Google will only be in operation for a short period of 
time.  I *really* don't want to turn this into an nzo discussion.

But simply saying "Let's forgo a solution to the most important user 
feedback, because of a technology bias" isn't sustainable year after 
year (the Google discussion reaches back over a year).

I'm trying to raise our user's concerns to the same level as our 
technology agenda.
