[ZWeb] Zope.org feedback: Is there a jython version of zope
alan runyan
alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 12:42:25 -0500
It should be much more feasible to run Zope3
(or port it) to Java than Zope2. Mainly because
of ExtensionClass and the C speedups of Zope2.
I think Zope3 has little to no C extensions and if
there was lots of interest.. and when Jython 2.2 is
released (Zope3 requires Python2.2) - I believe Zope
would be more much more easily ported to
Java than the current Zope2 branch.
There was a effort to port Zope2 to Java and I
believe they created ExtensionClass in Java. But
I dont even remember the name of the project.
The future of Jython and ZOPE are much
brighter w/ Zope3 ;-)
p.s. if you want to speak Java w/ Zope.
JPE, or CORBA would probably be best all
depends on your design.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Beshears (via www.zope.org)" <fmb@socrates.berkeley.edu>
To: "Zope.org Mailinglist" <zope-web@zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 12:02 PM
Subject: [ZWeb] Zope.org feedback: Is there a jython version of zope
> Greetings from UC Berkeley
> We're interested in both zope and jython, but we can't tell from your site
if there's an effort to develop a jython-based version of zope.
> Phillip Harris argues that Zope could not be made to run on a JVM since
Zope has compiled C parts.
> (http://comlounge.net/pipermail/eurozope/2001-August/000736.html)
> Regards,
> Fred Beshears
> Educational Technology Services
> UC Berkeley
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