[ZWeb] NZO Alpha Announcement
Jeffrey P Shell
Sat, 5 Apr 2003 08:40:05 -0700
On Saturday, April 5, 2003, at 04:37 AM, Sidnei da Silva wrote:
> Im sure youre not the only one. Simon says (:P) that it shouldnt be
> hard to add reST as an option on the current ZWiki. Simon?
I've had some experience now writing custom parsers and writers (simple
writers) for use in content situations that use reST's DOM API to only
return certain parts of the document (the body, or the body with the
body's preamble). Having something like that is important.
There's also some code in the docutils sandbox for dealing with Wiki
links that makes link handling a transform. It basically marks up
potential links for later processing. The nice thing about this
approach is that it ensures situations like the following don't get
double-linked (a problem that has occurred on the current Zope.org
- Download `StandaloneZODB <standalone.tgz>`_
In a situation that happened on CZO, the whole `...`_ (well, the STX
equivalent) got turned into a StructuredText link, and then
``StandaloneZODB`` got turned into a Wiki Link, causing <a..> tags to
be nested.
The other thing it may depend on is Bill Bumgarner's DocArticle code in
the docutils' sandbox. DocArticle outputs simple HTML that doesn't
require style sheets (normal reST output uses stylesheets pretty
heavily, causing occasional issues with integration with other
I could put together a module or package that just does the reST side
and returns the right amount of output (just the body) and could do
some simple WikiLink preprocessing.
> Under this point of view, I agree with you. +1 for normal document.
> Another thing that was mentioned on a mailing list somewere
> (Zope3-dev?) was that we *should* have STXDocument, HTMLDocument and
> PlainTextDocument instead of the funky CMFDefault document, which
> tries to do it all, but would fail miserably if we tried to add reST
> support to it.
No, CMFDefault's document should just be smarter, with the ability to
register Text Handlers. I've hacked some solutions together in the
past, but nothing that can be used by the public. :\. It's a sticky
situation. Tres has talked about this in the past and it's something
that was on the early (potential) roadmaps for CMF 1.4, but Tres'
system was a lot more encompassing than anything I've hacked together
for personal use and I've had zero time to even touch CMF in the last
few months.
I don't like the different *Document types. It may be best to keep
what's there for now and add ReSTDocument as a new object type in the
Jeffrey P Shell