[ZWeb] NZO pre-alpha Announcement and Call for volunteers
Sidnei da Silva
Sat, 15 Feb 2003 20:51:13 -0200
On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 11:33:18PM +0100, Erik Lange wrote:
| Sorry.
| It's a great job Sidnei!
| I just haven't seen the answers on the issues queted below.
| I don't wan't to rant Plone, but it seems that something has been
| concluded. Is it wrong to ask about the thoughts behind ?
Answer at the end.
| At 11:34 AM 1/14/03, Paul Everitt wrote:
| >Ausum Studio wrote:
| >>What it's in discussion, up to the extent of what current nzo development
| >>responsibles allow, is whether or not the new ZopeOrg should use Plone for
| >>the sake of a faster deployment and future maintaining facilities, or not.
| >>If the problem was reduced to that I'd say OK, but unfortunately nzo's
| >>technology adoptions will be a reference point of what Zope and its
| >>Content
| >>Management Framework is, and therefore will act as an endorsement of the
| >>whole community (or at least ZC's on behalf of it) to the design decisions
| >>of its developers.
| >
| >This is an important and useful point. I'm not sure, though, what to
| >conclude from it.
| <snip>
| From Guido:
| -oOo-
| Subject: [ZWeb] Reopening the Plone issue -- but not here, please
| List-Archive: <http://lists.zope.org/pipermail/zope-web/>
| Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 15:24:44 -0500
| Status:
| <snip>
| The reason why Zope Corp is not super-keen on having the site run on
| Plone is one of support. Once Sidnei has delivered the site and is
| retired, when the site dies at 3am, whose beeper goes off? Not mine,
| but that of some poor schmuck of a Zope Corp sysadmin, who will
| attempt to fix the problem. When there's a problem with the Zope
| software that he can't solve on his own, who gets called at 4am? Not
| me, but someone else at Zope Corp who knows a lot about Zope. This
| guy doesn't know anything about Plone, but he knows CMF. If (God
| forbid) the problem is caused by something that Plone does differently
| than CMF, he's stuck.
| But there area ways to deal with this, and I now think that we can be
| much more rational about this decision. I've talked this over with
| Sidnei, and he agrees. His suggestion is to take this to another
| list, since zope-web is only a small (albeit oh-so vocal :-) fraction
| of the Zope community. I'm all for it, but I'd like to stay out of it
| myself, as long as the above support concern is somehow addressed.
| (One way to address it would be to promise that the site will still
| work if the Plone stuff is removed, leaving standard CMF stuff.)
| I'll task Sidnei with raising the issue in an appropriate list.
| -oOo-
| Sorry.. I must have missed this other list. What where the conclussions ?
Quoting Rob Page from http://www.zope.com/News/ZopeRoadmap
The imminent completion of the NZO project (or at least the beta
thereof) makes near-term changes to the implementation of NZO
inappropriate. This near-term implementation has both "stock-CMF" and
Plone interfaces. The NZO team will move forward with what works best
and most reliably.
Once we find stability in the new zope.org software and in the
Working Group approach to zope.org, the notion of using Plone to
enhance the zope.org site will be considered from a functional and
maintenance point of view along with other applications of preference
to other community members.
Sidnei da Silva (dreamcatcher) <sidnei@x3ng.com.br>
X3ng Web Technology <http://www.x3ng.com.br>
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