[ZWeb] What are the plans for cmf.zope.org?
Ausum Studio
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 10:23:40 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sidnei da Silva" <sidnei@x3ng.com.br>
> Citando Ausum Studio <ausum_studio@hotmail.com>:
> | While it looks like Plone supporters are going to take nzo almost by
> | force,
> I dont know what are you trying to say here. If you feel like you can do
> better job alone than 'the Plone supporters', feel free to do it. Im not
> enforcing Plone. The migration script is not Plone specific. Im only
doing the
> simplest thing that works: using the tool that is ready and fits the job
> of reinventing the wheel.
> Until this moment, I havent received a single complaint about something
on this
> Plone version on NZO that cant be fixed with little effort.
Imagine for a moment that you run an architects firm and that you are in
the last of several business meetings with the board and executive staff of
a bank, discussing the terms of their new corporate building. Your firm is
already under contract; they have explained you their mission statement;
areas executives have explained their needs; they even have told you about
some of their new ideas based on which they plan to beat their competition,
and how the new headquarters must show off those new strenghts of the
company. The meeting is about to finish and suddenly the CEO asks you:
- So, when do you think we'll have the plans finished?
- In a month - you respond
- Just a month?!
- Yes! It happens that we just finished another bank's headquarters a
couple of weeks ago, that took us a year and a half to complete. We
comitted our best architects and engineers for the job; they've been widely
recognized for their work in papers and specialized magazines all over the
world; and as we already have all those plans in Autocad and we've retained
the rights, we just need to hide what it could resemble to that other
bank - by performing some changes to them - and we're done. You won't need
to wait eighteen months but just one. Isn't it great?!
> | I opt to be constructive and ask to ZC: What are the plans for
> | cmf.zope.org? Would you accept the effort of members of the community
> | let us to take over the redesign of that portal? :)
> As far as *I* know, there are no plans to make any change on the way
> cmf.zope.org looks/works. It is supposed to be a place for the CMF
> 'eat their own dogfood'. Thats why it is called 'CMF DogBowl'.
> I thought you said that you liked the CMF. Why would cmf.zope.org need a
> redesign if it represents CMF at its best?
I like the CMF framework, and certainly cmf.zope.org doesn't represent it
at its best. It can be improved.
> []'s
> --
> Sidnei da Silva (dreamcatcher) <sidnei@x3ng.com.br>
> X3ng Web Technology <http://www.x3ng.com.br>