[ZWeb] Zope.org and New zope.org status

Paul Everitt paul@eurozope.org
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 21:48:26 +0100

Jeffrey should get the call on this.  We could start with the list of 
"sections" that we came up with last year.  If there is time left, we 
can talk about wikis, and Jeffrey can conveniently lose his IRC 


On mardi, jan 14, 2003, at 20:56 Europe/Paris, Jeffrey P Shell wrote:

> On Tuesday, January 14, 2003, at 07:26  AM, Sidnei da Silva wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 10:06:36AM +0100, Paul Everitt wrote:
>> |
>> | Very good, thanks for the work on this.  What's the next step in
>> | getting started?  Last May, we found topic-focused IRC appointments 
>> to
>> | be a good tool for getting work moving.  Do you, Jeffrey, or Sidnei
>> | want to schedule one of these?
>> Yes.
>> | It appears you have a good handle on the software schedule, so 
>> perhaps
>> | the first topic should be the one that Jeffrey mentioned: content
>> | organization.  If it would help, I could dig up some URLs 
>> referencing
>> | previous discussions.
>> Perfect topic. I suggest the Wiki organization as the subtopic. See
>> suggestion from Simon Michael:
>> http://lists.zope.org/pipermail/zope-web/2003-January/002270.html
>> Thats a task that could be started in CZO and where volunteers could
>> start helping right away. But we will need a task coordinator. This
>> one can be Jeffrey, which is the webmaster or some other volunteer.
>> Now, what about suggesting a date?
> Except most people should know how I feel about Wiki's by now.  A 
> bulleted list of FunnyCapitalization does not make good content 
> organization.
> I stand by my suggestion to quickly glance over PHP.net.
> I'd like to see Wiki's role on Zope.org minimized.  If someone else 
> wants to run a large Zope focused wiki (I'm not sure if ZWiki.org 
> fills this role, but it's one that could), I think it's better left to 
> people who are comfortable with the Wiki way.  Personally, I haven't 
> had a single positive Wiki experience yet.  And I've been using them 
> ever since they day Ken Manheimer and Jim Fulton went gaga over them 
> at Zope Corp a few years ago.  I know they work for other people, but 
> they still don't work for me.  Most Wiki's I've seen just seem like 
> places where tiny bits of anti-narrative content goes to live forever.
> I'll take on Wiki gardening if I have to, but the words that tend to 
> fly out of my mouth when doing so could get me kicked out of the state 
> of Utah :).
> And right now, I am swamped under with way overdue documentation work 
> for another project, while still trying to maintain other zope.org 
> responsibilities.  I may have to step away from all of these 
> discussions for a couple of days because I've written more email than 
> documentation in the last few days.  But this is such an important 
> discussion that it's hard to stay away from. :\