[ZWeb] Announce: Zope.org launch planned for Jul 31 2003
Rob Page
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 17:57:51 -0400
Zope Corporation is pleased to announce the planned July 31,
2003 launch of the new Zope Community Website which replaces
the current community website at:
- http://www.zope.org
The project is the result of the efforts of a great many
people. While the complete list is too long to enumerate
here we would like to specifically recognize Guido van
Rossum and Sidnei da Silva.
With their efforts this project has finally come to
successful fruition. Thanks Guido and Sidnei!
Consistent with our NewZopeOrg (NZO) plan, we are now
soliciting volunteers to help with operations, maintenance
and continued enhancements of the zope.org site. The plan is
available online at:
The Working Groups and Group Leaders are:
- Operations/Admin Coordinators: Shawn O'Donnell and
Jeffrey Shell
- Content Management/Maintenance: Jeffrey Shell
- Hardware: Matt Kromer
- Software: Shane Hathaway
- Supporting Systems, Performance, Uptime: Jens Vagelpohl
We encourage Zope Community members to volunteer to actively
participate in these Working Groups. A prerequisite for
participation is the submission of a current and signed Site
Contributor Agreement. A PDF copy of this Agreement is at:
- http://www.zope.com/Legal/ZopeOrgContributorForm.pdf
You will be notified via email about your status once we've
received the Agreement.
Thanks again to all those who have contributed time and
effort to getting the new Zope site up and running! Thanks
to those who will volunteer to continually improve the site!
Rob Page
Rob Page V: 540.361.1710
Zope Corporation F: 703.995.0412