[ZWeb] NZO update
Rob Page
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 05:19:08 -0500
Paul Everitt wrote:
>> Can anybody explain why http://dev.nzo.zope.org/ gives a "Plone
>> Core" page instead of the wonderfully new NZO-skin? Can anybody
>> give me an update? Can we give do something to make the help the
>> process of creating a new zope.org?
>> I'm still a volunteer to maintain a page which lists the (proposed)
>> "deadlines" of the various Zope projects.
> Me too. George and I have asked a couple of times about signing the
> forms (technically I shouldn't log in to *current* zope.org, as I'm a
> manager there and I haven't signed the privacy form).
> How can we get progress on this? Jeffrey, are you in charge of managing
> the volunteers?
This ball is in my court to finish the lawyering of agreements. I
suspect this will be finished by the end of next week.
Rob Page V: 540.361.1710
Zope Corporation F: 703.995.0412