[ZWeb] "Zope Exits"
mark at zopemag.com
Tue Aug 31 04:46:32 EDT 2004
On Aug 31, 2004, at 10:16 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
>> If you would have bothered clicking on the previous weeks news
>> http://weekly.zopemag.com/weekly.html?issue=36&span=2
>> you would have found TADA! ------ Zope Nuggets!
> So we only get on topic covered a week? I know something is better
> than nothing (unless it isn't ;-)) but I was expecting something like
> the old Zope Weekly News that rounded up what had been happening in
> the community as a whole, not just a few mailing list clippings per
> week...
No, you get what *you* invest. We only have a little time in our busy
schedule to add a few bits to the news each week. We mine the mailing
lists that we read for a few good tips and share them.
The only relatively consistent contributor outside our staff is Stefane
Fermigier so we also publish CPS / ERP5 related stuff.
So the moment you expect anything (for free) without contributing
anything (your time) -- you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
Note: We have been consistently putting out this resource for almost a
>> My original questions have still not been answered (more likely
>> ignored).
> ...or just plain missed by me, run them by me again...
Don't have the time to do that for you Chris. But maybe you have the
time to read the mailinglist archive?
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