[ZWeb] zope.org - changes
Paul Winkler
pw_lists at slinkp.com
Mon Jan 24 11:09:27 EST 2005
On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 10:06:49AM +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
> >>No problem to have a FilesystemDirectoryView for just the customized
> >>objects. I guess the changes are all zope.org specific, so no need to
> >>change the products.
> I'm pretty sure such a thing exists, it's just that people shoved stuff
> in custom 'cos it was easier to do :-S
fwiw, I have used the FSDump product successfully to
dump things from folders onto the filesystem to prepare for
putting them in an FSDV.
IIRC there was some post-dump tweaking needed but I've forgotten what,
it didn't take long... anyway the process was a whole lot faster than
manual copy/paste would have been.
Paul Winkler
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