[ZWeb] zope web status report 2006-02-06
bakhtiar a hamid
kedai at kedai.com.my
Thu Feb 9 23:48:42 EST 2006
On Thursday 09 February 2006 18:17, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Yes. Let's make a procedure for that:
> * find the document you think would be good to have
> * propose it on this list
has a good comment with good links.
left out the other links since i think it's in the list already
> * if it gets the +1s, go ahead and contact the document author for
> permission to include it as part of a new zope(3).org and whether we can
> download and edit it. The list discussion can also result in a good
> place in the overall structure that we're developing that the document
> can be put into.
> * If we get this permission, reformat (if necessary) this document into
> restructured text and check it into our SVN. We need to have a credits
> file we need to update, and also a pattern in restructured text for
> marking the original author and editor of this document.
> > I actually quite like the Django tutorial
> > (http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/tutorial1) because it's
> > easy to follow, bite-sized, and I could get a pretty good idea of how
> > it works by skimming the code + screenhots and skipping most of the
> > text.
> >
> > As a visitor, I need to have a single place to start, and a clear path
> > through the information, not just a dump of information that I have to
> > wade through myself. And most importantly, all the documentation (and I
> > mean all of it) needs to be consistent, not only in style and message,
> > but in the development patterns presented. I know zope 3 is powerful
> > and great, but don't throw every combination out there all at once.
> > People who want to invest in the framework will have plenty of time to
> > discover all that. What we need to do is make it feasible for them to
> > take that plunge.
> I agree completely with this. Less well structured information is
> beneficial to large amounts of confusing information.
> That said, I think having a section with links outside the site would
> still be useful, and I think it can be structured ("related material
> elsewhere" sections) in a way so that it doesn't disturb the main
> pattern of information. This is not of the primary importance though.
> >> * does anyone know a good web designer who can design a solid
> >> looking, serious, but still exciting website for zope?
> >
> > We need one. Coders make poor visual designers. :)
> There are no coders here, we're just all copy editors and such. :)
> Regards,
> Martijn
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