[ZWeb] asp404 help
shahrzad khorrami
shahrzad.khorrami at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 02:02:26 EDT 2006
I read almost all the archives about ASP404
but I can't find something useful to me to lead me to my goal *!*
and also there is no perfect article about using IIS as
a web server in plone site
I 'll be so glad if somebody help me
how can I work with
I want to have more than one website based on plone
I created two folder in my root zope for each domain and
inside folders put plone sites and download ASP404
and set error404 to default.asp , in default.asp file ::
I set
zopeAddress =
zopePath = "/ " << I don't understand what folder !!!
and exactly what settings should be done in virtual hosting?
finally .. I don't know how work with asp404!
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