[ZWeb] Zope 2 web site

Andrew Sawyers andrew at sawdog.com
Mon Mar 6 10:36:10 EST 2006

On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 12:26 -0300, Sidnei da Silva wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 06:30:29AM -0800, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> | Not sure what this means ... were you involved in building the current site
> | or do you know its architecture? As I've said, my comments are based on what
> | I've been told by people who were involved in the original decision to use
> | Plone (pre 1.0 as I understand, with heavy internal customisations). My
> | feeling is exactly that there's no *need* for zope.org customisations that
> | would make it hard to maintain/migrate in the same way plone.org is
> | maintained and migrated right now.
> I made the original decision and I've put together the migration and
> all that, alone. Then I've left the project just before launch. I'm
> pretty sure it was Plone 1.0 or a 1.0 rc. Some customizations seem to
> have been made since then, but nothing serious.
The only "serious" thing which I found daunting the last time I was
trying to debug a problem with the "software" product was the HUGE
number of customized skins.  With no clue why, and the amount of effort
to sort through them all, It left me with a lot of contempt for whomever
did it and didn't fix them in CVS.


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